
Monday, January 3, 2011

I think I can, I think I can.

Day 5 of veganism, three slip-ups. None intentional, even though I've been eyeballing the chocolate cherries on our kitchen counter so hard that I'm positive they can't continue to withstand the pressure. I keep waiting for one to spontaneously combust.  When it happens, I just hope its near my mouth. 

Bring on the indiscretion:

1. Day 2. Brandon has announced, quite dramatically, on several occasions that his life is only worth living after a coffee flavored frappuccino on Saturday mornings. Well, the baristas flubbed his order and presented him with a caramel frap, which aside from the squirt or two of caramel, is topped with an obscenely tall tower of whipped cream. Just to get out of the claustrophobia-inducing nightmare that is our Starbucks on Saturday morning, we accepted the tower amid a Brandon side-eye and grumble about its girlyness. In a weakened, decaffeinated state, he deemed it acceptable and thrust the straw my way for corroboration. Whoops.

2. Last night. I licked the lid of Harper's yogurt.  Old habits die hard.

3. Today. I cooked an amazingly delicious Gardenburger brand veggie burger (seriously, I yelled from the kitchen, to no one in particular, that it was the best thing I've ever eaten and that my taste buds are clearly responding to this whole veganism shtick) . While contemplating another putting another on my plate, I saw a little oily residue from the bygone burger, and because my BFFs, the veggies, wouldn't do me like this, I checked the ingredients list: cheese. Burger fail. Apparently I bought the one variety in their product line that contains cheese. Vegan fail.

Pressing on.. one tofu square and crockpotted lentil soup at a time.


  1. Well, Honey, I am so glad you are getting your vegetables...a mom worries about these things!!!

  2. So, your failures have only been of the "oops, that was only VEGETARIan" variety. This raises a question: Why go full-on vegan? Paul's Possibly Unpopular Opinion: I get vegetarians. But vegans? Well, I feel bad for the cows who squirt out that milk and the chickens who poop out those eggs every day. We don't need them joining the swelling ranks of the unemployed!

  3. Vegan's must have one messed-up looking food pyramid...

  4. Can it still be a pyramid if there's only one block? :)

  5. Ha. Ha. Ha. 3.5 blocks. Shows what y'all know. And why vegan? If something's this hard, I'm not going to half-ass it. Also, if I were a cow or a chicken, I'd fancy being unemployed. know, instead of being pumped full of antibiotics and growth hormones every day. Ohh.. I'm such a hippie!

  6. I don't know how long you can go eating carrots and beans. I guess we'll find out.

  7. There was a $1 off Boca burgers coupon in the Sunday paper, and you can double it this week at Harris Teeter! and I think they also had a special on Tofurkey. Let me know how the recipes work out for you.
